
    I have been sharing music on the internet since I was a teenager and when I look at a constant source of joy in my life it is one of them. Over the years, my tastes have evolved thanks to lovely friends and digging for records, but my excitement to share tunes and connect with others has never gone away. 🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊Swimming with Kfeelz is a monthly radio show in which I like to  🏊‍♀️ dive into lush tones ~~~ pacific grooves, spacey jazz, and bubbly rhythms ~ anything and everything from ambient to post-punk and 80's electronica 🎶🤭🎶 As we swim through this world, what inspires you, gives you joy, brings you peace?  ~  Looking forward to swimming with you .

Swimming Archive

Personal Site

Swimming Archive

🌊🌊🌊Swimming with Kfeelz! 🏊‍♀️Diving into lush tones ~~~ pacific grooves, spacey jazz, and bubbly rhythms ~ anything and everything from ambient to 80's electronica 🎶🤭🎶~ Looking forward to swimming with you! 

Swimming Archive

Thanks for visiting :)